Plenary Speakers

Katy Craig

Katy Craig is an Assistant Professor of Mathematics at UC Santa Barbara. Katy received her Ph.D. at Rutgers University under advisor Eric Carlen. She received an NSF Postdoctoral Fellowship and spent the first year with this award at UCLA, where she was mentored by Andrea Bertozzi. She then received a UC President's Postdoctoral Fellowship and spent a year with this award at UCSB, where she was mentored by Bjorn Birnir. She is a recent recipient of an NSF CAREER award and is a Hellman Faculty Fellow.

Craigs's research program is broad and topics include nonlinear PDEs, optimal transport, calculus of variations, and numerical analysis.

Ioana Dumitriu

Ioana Dumitriu is a Professor of Mathematics at UC San Diego. She holds a PhD in Applied Mathematics from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (2003). Following a Miller Research Fellowship at University of California, Berkeley (2003-2006), she became a regular faculty member in the Department of Mathematics at University of Washington, Seattle (2006-2019), and joined UCSD in 2019. She is a Fellow of the AMS, and her honors include an NSF CAREER award, the Leslie Fox Prize in Numerical Analysis, and honorable mention for the Householder Prize in Numerical Linear Algebra.

Dumitriu's research spans a number of areas that fall under the large umbrella of data science: from numerical linear algebra and scientific computing to stochastic eigenanalysis (a.k.a. random matrix theory), and from discrete probability and spectra of random graphs to applications in machine learning, specifically to clustering and community detection.

Stanley Osher

Stanley Osher is a Professor of Mathematics, Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, and Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering at University of California, Los Angeles. Osher received his PhD from New York University in 1966, and had positions at Brookhaven National Lab, UC Berkeley and SUNY Stony Book, before joining UCLA in 1977. Amongst his many honors, Osher has been awarded the William Benter Prive in Applied Math, the Carl Friedrich Gauss Prize, the John von Neumann Lecture Prize, the SIAM Kleinman Prize, the ICIAM Pioneer Prize, is a member of the National Academy of Sciences, the National Academy of Engineering, and the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and is a fellow of the AMS and SIAM.

Osher's research focuses on developing innovative numerical methods to solve partial differential equations, especially those whose solutions have steep gradients, analysis of these algorithms and the underlying PDEs, and many applications, from engineering and physics to image processing, optimal control, mean field games and data science.

Ami Radunskaya

Ami Radunskaya is a Professor of Mathematics at Pomona College. Radunskaya received her PhD in Mathematics from Stanford University in 1992, and was a G.C. Evans Instructor at Rice University, before joining Pomona in 1994. She was president of the Association for Women in Mathematics from 2017-2019 and is the President of EDGE (Enhancing Diversity in Graduate Education), which is a national program designed to increase the number of women (especially minority women) students successfully completing graduate programs in the mathematical sciences. Radunskaya was awarded the Irvine Foundation Award for Distinguished Faculty Mentor, the 2017 AAAS Mentor of the Year award, is a Fellow of the AMS and the AWM, and an Intercollegiate Biomathematics Alliance Distinguished Senior Fellow.

Among Radunskaya’s areas of expertise are mathematical modeling of tumor growth and treatment, dynamical systems and analysis of non-linear models of power systems.